Losing Tummy Fat After Having a Baby – 4 Must Do’s!
It is a common thing for new moms to struggle with getting rid of their baby belly after having a baby. Many women may try all kinds of different options (fasting, fad diets, etc.) to lose the fat/weight. But, losing tummy fat really just boils down to four key essentials that will always work, time and time again. What are they? Well, they are very basic really. Let’s get started.
Proper nutrition is very important when wanting to lose weight and fat. First of all, what types of foods should you be eating? Opt for lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and when eating dairy, choose low fat or light options.
Here are some examples of some of these nutritious foods: fish, skinless chicken, nuts, beans, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole grain bread, berries, apples (skin on), spinach, squash, skim milk and low fat yogurt.
What should you NOT be eating? Avoid foods with trans and saturated fats, foods high in sugar and foods high in sodium.
Some examples are: fast food, chips, donuts, candy and cookies. These types of foods will make the fat just stick like glue on your body. It is best to stay away from these as much as possible. Keep in mind though, that there are foods that contain healthier fats (poly and monounsaturated fats). A few examples are avocados, olive oil, nuts and peanut butter. These are all good to eat, in moderation.
Also, keep in mind the drinks you’re consuming. They count! Drinks such as juice, alcohol and soft drinks all contain empty calories and sugar. It is best to avoid these and choose healthier options such as water and green tea.
Portion size is also important for losing tummy fat. If you are eating too much food, you, of course, are going to have problems losing the fat. The same is to be said if you are eating too little. If you aren’t eating enough food, your body will think it’s starving and store all of the food that it does get. This will result in little to no fat loss.
A rule of thumb to remember is to eat until you just barely feel full. Don’t forget that it takes your tummy approximately 20 minutes to actually feel full. Also, as long as you are eating nutritious foods, don’t be too concerned about counting calories or anything like that. The key is that you are not eating until you are stuffed.
Pumping Iron
Strength training is essential for losing tummy fat. Why? Even when you are done your strength workout, your body still keeps burning those calories and fat for a good hour or two! Also, the lean muscle you get from strength training increases your metabolism long term.
Another great benefit is that muscle burns more calories than fat does, even when at rest. Yet another benefit? A 2006 study by the National Institute of Health found that lifting weights just twice a week can prevent you from gaining intra-abdominal fat. This type of fat (also known as visceral fat) is hidden, and it can put people at risk for several different conditions, such as heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes.
How often should you be pumping iron? A good amount is about 2-3 times a week, leaving a day in between each strength workout. When lifting weights, it is best to really challenge yourself. This means that by the end of each set of reps that you do, you should barely be able to complete them. If you are feeling like it’s too easy, then you need to increase your weight amount.
When you have been doing strength training for awhile, you will need to increase your weight amount at that point. Why? Your muscles will get used to that same amount and it won’t benefit them anymore as they won’t be challenged.
If you don’t like the idea of lifting weights, yoga and pilates are great options as well.
We all know that cardiovascular exercise is great for our hearts, but it is also great for shedding calories and fat. Cardio is of course beneficial for losing tummy fat after having a baby. For many people, the first place they start losing weight when trying to, is in the tummy area. Great news, right?
Don’t want to fork out the big bucks for the gym membership? Or maybe you just don’t have time to get to the gym? Maybe the gym just isn’t your thing? There are many other options you can do to get your cardio exercise in! First things first, choose something you will enjoy doing. This is important so that you don’t get bored and quit. This is a common thing for many.
Some non-gym ideas? Think about things you like to do. Maybe you have a favorite sport such as tennis, soccer, hockey, baseball? If you like to dance, take a dance class with a friend! Do you have a Wii? Play active games on that, such as Just Dance, Wii Fit, etc.
There is also an option to buy some inexpensive workout DVDs. You can buy pretty much any kind of workout on a DVD. Some examples are: kickboxing, belly-dancing, yoga and interval workouts. There are also many DVDs that offer 10, 20 and 30 minute workouts, so if baby doesn’t give you too much time in a day to workout for a long time, these are great options. You can do 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there…you get the idea.
You should try to do cardio every day. If that’s just not possible for you, shoot for 4-5 days a week.
Important Note: Please be sure you have your doctor’s permission before beginning any kind of exercise routine, especially right after having a baby.
To sum up, combining all of these important “elements” into your life will get you losing tummy fat. Just remember that it will take time to get your body back again, but with patience, hard work and persistence, you will get there.