Ab Exercises (Without Crunches) For a Strong and Toned Core

Published by Kris on

Many women have a baby (or babies, plural), and look down, not even recognizing their own tummies anymore. Even after several weeks, once their uterus has shrunk back down, their stomach may still not look quite familiar to them. Can you relate?

Of course, proper nutrition is important, but so is exercise after pregnancy (as soon as you have the “okay” from your doctor beforehand). We are going to talk about some ab exercises, without crunches. That’s right ladies, no grueling crunches!

Before we begin, just a quick note. Just focusing on doing toning on your tummy isn’t going to give you a “six-pack”. In order for your results to be successful, meaning that you can actually see those beautiful toned lines on your flat tummy, you will need to get rid of any fat that sits on top of your stomach first. This can be done with consistent cardio and strength training, as well as proper daily nutrition.

ab exercises without crunches
Hip Circles

Exercise after pregnancy doesn’t have to be the same old boring stomach toning exercises, such as crunches. Try this belly-dance inspired move, hip circles.

Start with your feet about hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips. With your abdominals contracted, start to move your hips in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.

Do this about 10-12 times, then repeat moving your hips counter-clockwise. Try to do about 3 sets of these.

Note: Remember to keep your abs contracted throughout the whole exercise.

Standing Side Crunches

Now, we know we said these were ab exercises without crunches, but this isn’t your typical crunch. This one is done standing.

With this exercise, stand tall and shift your weight to your left leg while raising your right arm straight up in the air. Now, start to bend your right knee up to the side while pulling your right arm down towards that knee, so that you feel the right side of your torso (the obliques) working. Drop your leg back down and raise your arm back in the air; repeat 8-10 times. Repeat movement on your left side.

Note: While performing the exercise, keep your abs in and back straight.

ab exercises without crunches

Try to complete 2-3 sets of these, if you can.

Standing Cross Crunches

Begin by standing up straight, legs shoulder-width apart. Raise your right arm straight up in the air, shift your weight to your right leg, and point your left toe out to the side. Keeping your abs tight and pulled in, start to bend your left knee up, bend your right arm and twist your right elbow towards that knee; return to starting position.

Try to do about 8-10 reps on each side and do about 2-3 sets.

Elbow Plank

Start by laying on your tummy with forearms and elbows on the floor. Push yourself up, keeping your forearms/elbows and toes on the floor so that you are in one straight line. Your abs should be tucked in (towards your spine) and contracted. Hold.

Try to hold for about 20 seconds (or as long as you can) and work your way up to 60 seconds. Try to do 2-3 reps.

ab exercises without crunches
Hip Raises

This is a great exercise post pregnancy if you want to target those lower abdominals.

For these particular ab exercises, you begin by lying down on your back, arms laying at your sides, with your legs straight up in the air so that the bottoms of your feet are facing the ceiling. Pulling your stomach in towards your spine, start to raise your hips up off the floor so that your feet are going towards the ceiling; lower back down.

Try to do 2 sets of 8-10 reps.

As we discussed here, abdominal exercise post pregnancy doesn’t always have to be about the same old boring crunches. There are many stomach toning exercises you can do to get your post pregnancy tummy back in shape.

By combining all of these ab exercises (without crunches) on a regular basis as well as a healthy diet and exercise routine, you will have some gorgeous looking abs. Stick with it and don’t give up on yourself.

Categories: Fitness