Losing the Last 10 Pounds of Your Baby Weight

Published by Kris on

losing the last 10 pounds

Have you put in the effort and had success with shedding some of your baby weight? Or maybe you were one of the lucky ones where most of it just kind of melted off without much effort? Are you still not quite where you want to be with your post pregnancy body?

Losing the last 10 pounds (give or take) can be frustrating. Those last few pounds can be stubborn but here are some tips and tricks to help send them packing!


First of all, make sure you are aiming for a healthy goal weight for your body. You may be aiming for a weight that your body just won’t want to get to not matter what you do because it just simply wasn’t meant to.

A good idea is to calculate your BMI (body mass index) to find out where you should be sitting weight-wise.


Many think it is a tedious task to write down everything they eat and drink but this has actually been known to help people lose their post pregnancy body weight. Find out how many daily calories you should be eating to achieve your goal (you can find this out using a calorie calculator) and keep track in a food journal.

You may be eating more calories and/or fat than you realize so tracking will help you to make any adjustments if needed.

Note: If you are breastfeeding, you do need more calorie intake. It’s important to check with your doctor before cutting calories.


Protein is an important factor in losing the last 10 pounds. Why? Protein helps to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time, which in turn will make you eat less calories. Aim to have a lean source of protein with each meal and snack throughout your day.

Some examples of lean proteins are salmon, chicken, turkey, lean beef, Greek yogurt (plain), beans, lentils, eggs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, nut butters, almonds, pistachios and low-fat cheese.

Also, studies have shown that a higher protein diet has resulted in, not only weight loss, but also a decrease in fat mass.

Taking Breaks

Do you tend to “slack off” with your healthy eating/exercise plan on the weekends? Don’t worry, you are not alone, many people do! In order to lose those last few stubborn pounds though, you may have to make some changes and put in more effort on the weekends.


Do you pay attention to portion size when eating snacks and meals? Portion control is very important in losing the last 10 pounds on your post pregnancy body. Are you eating until you are stuffed?

You want to be comfortably full, not feel that stuffed type of feeling. It is a good idea to slow down when you eat. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to know that it’s full so take your time when eating if you can.

Also, pay attention to serving sizes on packages. It can be a good idea to measure your foods out, at least in the beginning. For example, if you are eating cereal in the morning, and the serving size is one cup, first pour your cereal in a measuring cup to make sure you have the right serving size amount.

Water, Water and More Water!

Up your water intake. Drinking more water could be that extra little shove your body needs in losing the last 10 pounds.

Sometimes, your body even mistakes dehydration for hunger. You may feel hungry, when in reality, you are just dehydrated. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water on a daily basis, and that will help with your weight loss.

losing the last 10 pounds
The Bad Carbs

Are you eating unhealthy carbohydrates? Foods such as white breads, cereals, rice, pasta and crackers offer little to no nutrition and are quite unhealthy. It is best to stick to healthier options such as whole grain breads, oats, etc. and of course, lots of fruits and vegetables.

Switch it Up

You may need to add more intensity to your exercise workouts. Your body will get used to the same old, same old. You may need to switch up your workouts if you are doing the same one all the time. You may also need to add more intensity to your cardio workouts and use heavier dumbbells for your strength training. Challenge yourself and your post pregnancy body!


Cut out the alcohol. I know…that’s no fun, you’re likely thinking. Alcohol can have a lot of sugar and empty calories, so even just one drink per night can really add up.

For example, one 12-ounce glass of beer can have anywhere from 150 to 350 calories, depending on the type of beer it is. A 5-ounce glass of wine can range from 125 to 165 calories. A 7-ounce pina colada is over 500 calories! So, you can see how these calories can add up.

If you can apply these tips to your day to day life, it will make losing the last 10 pounds that much easier. Make sure you have realistic goals and timeframes to lose your weight. Be patient with yourself and you will get your post pregnancy body back to its pre-pregnancy state, or maybe even better!

Categories: Weight Loss