10 Best Foods to Eat to Lose Body Fat

You have had your new little bundle of joy, but do you also have excess body fat that isn’t such a joy? You are definitely not alone in that…not by a long shot. Can you lose it? Absolutely. We can get you started on that!
There are certain foods you can add to your diet that will help you burn that unwelcome fat. Most of these foods have lower calories, healthy fats, fiber and/or protein. Many will kickstart your metabolism while keeping you feeling full for longer periods of time. All of this is great for burning fat!
Without further ado, let’s get started on our list of best foods to eat to lose body fat.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt, not to be confused with regular yogurt. Why? Greek yogurt has more protein that the regular kind, meaning that it has more fat-burning potential. The more protein, the longer you will feel full.
You’ll want to choose Greek yogurt that is low in sugar, so plain is best. I know, I know, plain doesn’t taste great for some, but adding something sweet like a bit of honey or berries (berries are also in this fat-burning list by the way!) will add some great flavor!
Check out this mason jar yogurt parfait meal prep recipe at thegirlonbloor.com. You’ll have 4 servings at only 221 calories each!
Green Tea
Now, we know that green tea is not a food, but hear us out as to why it makes our list of foods to eat to lose body fat…er…drinks, we mean.
Research has shown that green tea rich in catechins (antioxidants) and caffeine may promote in body fat loss. In one study, they found that the mixture of both the catechins and caffeine both being present in the green tea promoted more visceral fat and body weight loss.
Also present in green tea is a metabolism booster called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
To reap the most benefits of green tea, it is recommended to drink several cups per day.
Chili Peppers

Okay, all you spicy food fanatics…great news! There is a compound found in chili peppers called capsaicin. Some research has shown that capsaicin has been known to kickstart the metabolism, which will aid in weight and fat loss. Capsaicin may also help to curb your hunger.
If you are not used to eating spicy foods or you have a sensitive stomach, but you’d like to give these a try, start in small doses.
Nuts (raw, unsalted)
Nuts make our list of best foods to eat to lose body fat due to their richness in healthy fats, protein and fiber.
Make sure you watch portion control with nuts though, as the calories can add up quickly. Eating nuts in moderation is best as well.
The best types of nuts to eat are almonds, walnuts, pistachios and cashews. Remember though, you want the ones that are raw and unsalted for the best health benefits.
Yes, with the yolk included. Eggs are one of the best proteins out there, and pack only about 78 calories per large one.
One egg has about 6 grams of protein, which will rev up your metabolism first thing in the morning. They can also be eaten as a snack though. I personally hard-boil a few at a time and then eat them as a snack with a fruit or vegetable between meals throughout the week.
Eggs are perfect for keeping you satiated between meals, but another good idea is to add them to meals like a salad, for example.
Check out this yummy salad recipe from Taste of Home that incorporates egg beautifully.
Berries are one of the best foods to eat to lose body fat due to their low amount of calories. They are also high in fiber which will help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. The bonus with berries is that they have antioxidants, which may lower your risk for certain diseases.

As per this article in www.hsph.harvard.edu, berries are among the healthiest foods you can eat. It also suggests that eating foods high in anthocyanins (the red, purple and blue pigments, mostly found in blueberries and strawberries) can help people keep weight off.
Check out this Healthy Berry Crumble recipe for a guilt-free sweet treat!
Ironically, salmon is a fatty fish but it is great for burning fat. Why? It is an excellent source of lean protein that is also low in calories.
What’s also good about salmon is that it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are not only beneficial for your heart, but can decrease inflammation in your body.
Salmon is rich in vitamin D. More recent studies have shown that there may be a link to obesity and being deficient in vitamin D. Even more research has shown that particularly belly fat might be linked to vitamin D deficiency.
We add spinach to our list of foods to eat to lose body fat due to it’s very low amount of calories (7 calories per one cup) to start. Spinach is also high in fiber and water which will keep you satiated longer, therefore, eat less.
An interesting study on people starting their day with a spinach extract showed that not only did they lose weight, but they experienced no cravings throughout the day. Does your sweet (or salty) tooth tell you to sign up for that? Mine sure does!
The great thing about spinach is that there is so much you can do with it. You can add it to an omelet, smoothie, salad, and so much more!
Check out this healthy, low calorie Green Smoothie recipe. The author highly recommends a Vitamix blender, but other blenders will do as well.

Rich both in fiber and protein, we had to include quinoa in our list of best foods to eat to lose body fat. When you have a food high in both of these, it is like finding gold! Okay, maybe not quite the same, but close. Foods high in both will keep you feeling full for quite some time, which of course will help you to lose weight and fat.
What can you do with quinoa? You can add it to soups, salads, vegetable dishes, or make a healthy quinoa bowl!
Not only are oats low in calories, but they are also high in fiber and protein. You will feel full for hours! Not to mention they are chock full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Now, we know, many people don’t love the idea of oatmeal. However, there are so many ways you can amp it up to actually enjoy it. I personally eat it (steel-cut oats) every morning and I’m constantly changing it up just by adding different combinations of food to it.
You can add berries, bananas, nuts, seeds, yogurt, peanut butter, honey, cinnamon. The possibilities are endless!
Check out this yummy healthy Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats recipe that tastes more like dessert than breakfast!
Now that you know some of the best foods to eat to lose body fat, you can get started on it. Give yourself time and patience and you will get there. Now, get started on that grocery list!